Monday, December 30, 2013

V is for Vase!

This week we are learning about letter V! We made a vase of flowers! We also worked on colors when deciding on which letter V we wanted as well as the flowers! Glad to finally have a semi-normal week with the kiddos! Time to get back in to a routine in our room!

Let's Make a Reindeer!

During our crazy Christmas week last week, we had a few knew friends in our room! Etta did great with listening where to put things to make her reindeer! 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Party!

 We had our awesome Christmas Party Friday! The kids had so much fun especially since we were able to wear our pajama's to school! We had a fun filled morning with, opening a special present from our friend Josie, decorating pieces to our gingerbread house, watching the move Polar Express, seeing Santa, and dancing in our jammies! 

Trent's face is priceless! We were getting ready to open presents from our friend Josie! Thank you Josie!

Ready, Get Set, OPEN!

Mrs. Potato head toys!!!!! They were all so excited!

Instead of building the gingerbread house, we each decorated a piece of it! (Miss Amanda couldn't get it to stay standing! So we just improvised!)

After watching some of the Polar Express movie we had to get up and MOVE! Then before nap we watched the rest of it!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

We made Santa!

Today we read the story "Santa Duck!" and what better craft than making a Santa with a hand print beard! Such a great shape review craft as well as sensory!


While I decided last minute to save our Gingerbread house for our Christmas Party on Friday, I printed off a winter picture! We then created a poster of the things we saw in the picture! The kiddos did and awesome job of finding things! I think drew a line and wrote the word, which it will help with letter recognition!

I put it at their level and they look at it ALL the time and even point out the objects we found!

Pine Cone Snowman!

This week we are learning about Christmas. What better way than making a snowman! Thanks to Christine for taking the pictures and covering for me since I can't walk! Sprained my ankle right before the craft. Glad the kids were still able to do the craft!

M is for Mouse!

This week we have been learning about letter M! We made M is for Mouse and we are starting use the letter O for where we put glue because I know all the kids know the letter X. By changing the letter, it will help the kids with identifying different letters!