Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Our Self Portraits

This week our theme is "All About Me!". We drew a self portrait of ourselves! I know that most of the kids did not draw a picture of themselves, but it was more of a self expression project! 

Z is for Zebra!

This weeks letter is Z for Zebra!! We had a great time learning about the sound letter Z makes and well as making the Zebra!! Great fine motor skills going on with using the glue and putting the small strips of paper on the Z as well!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Valentine's Project Photo Shoot!

This week, Miss Amanda is getting ready for Valentine's week! We are making a Valentine for our parents and I wanted to add a special picture to that Valentine! Here are some of the cute pictures that were taken!!







Does that taste sweet, sour, salty, or bitter?

On Friday we learned about our sense of taste! We had salty potato chips, sweet raspberry candy fish, dark chocolate, and sour gummy worms! We had to decide how it was going to taste on our tongue! Before trying different foods we learned about the different spots that we taste different foods on our tongues!