Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's Art Time With Two Year Olds!

After the kiddos eat their morning snack, we head to the rug to start circle time! We then read a story, have music and movement, and work our way to the table for art time! Art time is a favorite for most of the kids and mine as well! There are a lot of teaching opportunities that happen while we are doing art, whether it's colors, shapes, or learning to spell our names! I love capturing the moments on camera because you can see how engaged they are as well as the different types of fine motor activities that they are encountering in the classroom that is improving their development! 

During our morning circle time we read the story "The Most Wonderful Egg in the World" By: Helme Heine. In this story three hens were trying to create the most wonderful egg in the world. Each egg turned out to be wonderful in their own way, because of this story we created our very own Most Wonderful Egg in the World! The kids loved making their eggs their own and wonderful! Below you will find the pictures of the kiddos creating them during our art time!

During our egg unit we were able to paint with plastic eggs! Miss Amanda filled the eggs with paint and we painted with them with the holes in the bottom of the egg. We were practicing our fine motor skills while having to hold the plastic eggs as well as using them like stamps on our papers!

While making our window art eggs, we worked on fine motor with the kids by letting them tear up the tissue paper to work on their grasping and tearing skills. The kids did great with this task, some needed a little assistance by having the tissue paper slightly tore around the edges to give them a start, which is a beginning process for this developmental skill!


  1. These kiddos are so engaged with you and your schedule. I love the blog! LOVE.

  2. Thank you Cassidy! I know the art projects around the room show how much we do and how much we are learning, but I feel pictures are the BEST way to show engagement! :)
